A Dog Walk and Good Cry

Once we had eaten some lunch and Chris seemed OK I took the dog out for a walk.  This Roxy gave me a chance to let out some of my emotions without Chris seeing.  I walked and cried and raged my way through the woods and then called my sister Jackie.

She listened and all but cried with me, but she also helped me to put this into perspective.  We have tried really hard to beat this bastard condition and to stop curve progression but it hasn’t worked and now we have to focus on what is the best way forward for Chris.  He has done these exercises for a year and it hasn’t stopped his curve from getting significantly worse.  What it has done though is to keep his spine flexible and his muscle structure strong and balanced and I know from my research that both of these are important factors in surgery.

The other thing that my lovely sister said was that I have to be positive about this.  It is not a terminal condition and there is a surgical option that can correct his spine – I just wish it didn’t terrify me so much…but it does.  Jackie has also said she will speak to a friend she knows who is top physiotherapist and ask her to find out who is the best surgeon for scoliosis in adolescent teens.

Anyway, after crying and talking for an hour I came home, had a shower and carried on with normal family life…if there is such a thing?!

PS: this photo is of my gorgeous Cocker Spaniel, Roxy.  She has great ears for mopping up my tears!