Welcome to my Scoliosis blog

vanessa web imageHi, my name is Vanessa and my 14 year old son was diagnosed with Scoliosis in August 2013. It has been a real roller coaster ride since the diagnosis and we were frustrated and angered by the lack of information and advice available to parents through the NHS.  In the first few weeks after his diagnosis I buried myself in internet based research, joined the Scoliosis Association and generally absorbed as much as I could about the condition.

We were committed to helping Chris and keen to avoid the massively invasive spinal fusion surgery that is used to correct severe curves.  I read up on Schroth Physiotherapy and we chose to work with a specialist Schroth trained physio to try and prevent Chris’s curve from getting worse.  As you will see from my blog we didn’t manage to prevent his curve from progressing and in December 2014 we took the tough decision for Chris to have spinal fusion surgery.

Despite the fact that he needed surgery I still believe that all the work we did to keep his spine flexible and to strengthen and balance the muscles in his back was really beneficial. The consultants we saw have all said that keeping the spine flexible is one of the most important factors to a successful outcome from surgery and the Schroth exercises did just that.

I found the journey to the point of surgery really tough, as I was so anxious about the procedure – but it went incredibly well for Chris.  He grew by around 2 inches and his back is now straight and his shoulders are level and balanced.  Scoliosis is no longer my first thought every morning and Chris is enjoying being a normal teen.  In fact, at just 7 months post op he was able to go away on a school expedition to Kyrgyzstan – that’s how well his surgery went!

At one year post op he went skiing again and skied just like he used to – fast and furious with some crashing falls.  But the only injury he sustained was to dislocate his knee! His back was absolutely fine.

I have kept a blog diary of our Scoliosis journey in the hope that by doing this other parents can benefit from what we have learn’t along the way and importantly, we have been able to share what worked for us and what didn’t.  Every child’s diagnosis is different and every parent’s journey is hard – but I hope this blog helps you and if you want to contact me please email me at:

